3 Awesome Celebs You Never Expect Have Weird Sexual Fetishes..!!

1. Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria admitted she isn't able to say no to a cheeky bit of Bondage every now and then, "I'm not averse to being tied up with silk scarves, I like a man to take charge. There's something very sexy about being submissive, because your guard is down, you have to totally surrender to something like that."

2. Angelina Jolie
Jolie loved a bit of blood in the bedroom back in the day. While married to Billy Bod Thornton, the pair would bring knives into the bedroom to spice things up - they would cut and taste each other's blood. The pair even wore vials of each other's blood around their necks.

Kristen Stewart revealed to British Vogue that she loves a bit of maschalagnia, which is where you get pleasure from getting your armpits licked. She talked about her then boyfriend Rupert Sanders, "I love the way he smells. He loves to lick under my armpits. I don't get this obsession with washing the smell off. That smell of someone you like."


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